Scalaris Framework

Scalaris Framework

Scalaris combines the strengths of Narwhal and Bullshark to create a versatile and powerful framework for building app chains. The framework provides several key features:

  1. Leaderless Consensus: Unlike traditional BFT protocols that rely on a designated leader to propose blocks, Scalaris operates without a leader, thereby reducing the risk of bottlenecks and single points of failure. This is achieved through a randomized approach to block proposal and validation, ensuring fair and distributed participation among validators.

  2. High Throughput: Scalaris leverages the efficient transaction dissemination of Narwhal and the streamlined consensus process of Bullshark to achieve throughput levels significantly higher than traditional BFT protocols. Experimental results show that Narwhal-HotStuff can achieve over 130,000 transactions per second (tx/sec) with sub-2-second latency, while Tusk (the consensus layer of Bullshark) can reach 160,000 tx/sec with about 3 seconds or less of latency.

  3. Scalability: The framework supports horizontal scaling through the addition of worker nodes, allowing for quasi-linear increases in throughput without compromising latency. This scale-out design ensures that Scalaris can handle growing demand and large-scale deployment scenarios.

  4. Resilience and Fault Tolerance: By decoupling data dissemination from consensus and employing a robust DAG-based structure, Scalaris maintains high performance even in the presence of network asynchrony or validator faults. The framework's design ensures that transaction blocks are consistently available and verifiable, contributing to overall system stability and reliability.

  5. MEV Mitigation: Scalaris implements a novel approach to mitigate the potential risks associated with Maximal Extractable Value (MEV). By incorporating a dedicated MEV mitigation feature into its consensus process, Scalaris aims to prevent malicious actors from exploiting transaction ordering for their own benefit.

  6. Compatibility with Cosmos SDK: Scalaris Framework combines the strengths of Narwhal and Bullshark to create a versatile and powerful framework for building app chains. In addition to its leaderless consensus and high throughput, Scalaris also provides an adapter that makes it compatible with the Cosmos SDK.

2024 Scalaris